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Online Science

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The Zooniverse enables everyone to take part in real cutting edge research, from classifying galaxies to counting penguins to transcribing manuscripts. Whatever your interest, there's a Zooniverse project for you!

Use the 'Username and Password' below, to sign into the Zooniverse Citizen Science IOW Account... or create your own account! Explore the Zooniverse and jump into these exciting projects to start classifying... 



Zooniverse 1
Zooniverse 1

Sign into the Zooniverse Citizen Science IOW Account...







Nullschool is a visualization of global weather conditions, using near real-time weather data + forecast

by supercomputers.

CLICK ON THE WORD 'Earth' (bottom left) to access 'real time' forecasts the Earth's weather patterns, ocean surface currents, waves, temperatures, pollution, chemical particles hotspots, wind currents and aurora.

Prepare to be mesmerised!

Education is a Human Right and Khan Academy provides free, world class education to anyone, anywhere. 

A non-profit online learning platform specialising in STEM sciences:

Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer sciences, Astronomy

and much more

(suitable from 2 - 115 years!)

Natural History Live_ Monitoring Garden

Natural History Live: 

Monitoring Garden Wildlife Health

using Citizen Science 

Natural History Live_ Monitoring Garden

Natural History Live: 

Monitoring Garden Wildlife Health

using Citizen Science 

It is more important than ever that people are able to connect with nature through their local spaces.

Khan Academy 

Education is a Human Right and Khan Academy provides free, world class education to anyone, anywhere. 

These are free online natural history talks (via Zoom), comprising of a 30-40 minute talk, followed by a question and answer session. 

Also, Katharina Seilern-Moy will be joining us to talk about the Garden Wildlife Health project. Katharina will explain how the project works and how the general public can help collect invaluable data on wildlife health, with some examples of what they’ve learned so far.

Online Science Projects

Futurelearn +

Futurelearn and Openlean were both created by the Open University and offers free online learning in a new way. 

They aim to encourage you to explore subjects you’re passionate about and access to high quality learning wherever you are, with online courses, programs and degrees created by leading universities, business schools and specialist organisations.

Get stuck in to 1 or more Citizen Science Projects and

contribute to science from the comfort of your living room...

Citizen Science has never been this easy!


See below to discover useful online science activities,

volunteer and learning opportunities which are easy to use and accessible to all!

Citizen Science IOW has already created a free membership account, which has been created for you to use, if you would like to explore Zooniverse without having to creating your own free account!  Just follow the links and sign in using the username and password below.

With this account we can see how many classification our visitors have completed, so that we are all contributing to science together.  The account also allows everyone to see any updates, notifications or discoveries we have made. 

If there are any updates, notifications or discoveries we will let you all know in our monthly 'Shout Out' and in our 'Latest News' section, or you can check the account for any responses to your Zooniverse queries that you have submitted. 

Visit the Zooniverse website using the links below, and 'sign in' using the following username and password and begin to surf the Zooniverse and take part in any of the projects listed.



Zooniverse Citizen Science Account! 

Follow the links on any of the projects below to take you direct to the project's website to begin your Citizen Science adventure!

Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Wildlife trust

The Trust looks after more than 50 nature reserves,

creating a growing network of wildlife havens across

Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Despite national declines, we aim to bring species

back from the brink + our work is improving the

fortunes of  these important species.

The Trust gives people of all ages the chance to experience

and learn about our incredible natural treasures  

right on their doorstep.

Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Wildlife trust
Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium

Come and find educational, inspirational and fun resources for your family to enjoy at home. Try out the hands-on experiments in our Curiosity Challenges and learn all about some exciting STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) careers through mini challenges, fascinating facts and real-life profiles.

Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium
British Trust for Ornithology

A UK charity that focuses on understanding birds and, in particular, how and why bird populations are changing. By harnessing the skills + passion of thousands of volunteers through our bird surveys and schemes in order to produce impartial science - communicated clearly for the benefit of birds and people.

British Trust for Ornithology
Countryside Jobs Surveys

Provides a one-stop shop for everyone in the countryside, conservation, ecology and wildlife sectors. You'll find adverts for jobs and volunteer placements, there is a daily news service, a full training directory of courses and professional events and a large library of in-depth information covering the whole industry.

Countryside Jobs Surveys
BBC Citizen Science
'Do Something Great

The BBC 'Do Something Great' page gives an o overview of Citizen Science along with links to Citizen Science Groups + Organisation who are calling for Citizen Scientists!

BBC Citizen Science
'Do Something Great
Open Air Laboratories

The Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) network is a UK-wide citizen science initiative that allows you to get hands-on with nature, whatever your age, background or level of ability.

We develop activities and resources, including our national surveys, which allow you to get closer to your local environment.

Tell your friends, family, EVERYONE
Citizen Science is suitable for all ages, abilities + settings:
individuals, families, school groups, community groups
at home, school, business or work.
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Ignite your Inner Scientist

Neeve O'Flynn-Mundin


Citizen Science IOW

British Science Week IOW

© 2023 Citizen Science IOW. Created with  Web Editor + Design:  Neeve O'Flynn-Mundin

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